Company Profile: Standard Operating Procedures:
Standard Operating Procedures are the documents that explains in a step-by-step manner about the scope and purpose of an activity, the list of tasks, sequence of tasks, who need to perform, how to perform and expected quality, resources and time. SOPs are a great step towards process improvement. SOPs help the organization to freeze the current best practices of the organization and as and when things are improved the SOPs are revised to incorporate the new best practices. In other words, SOPs establish a baseline of performance that is expected within an organization.
Apart from the above SOPs are helpful in continuous training of the employees to ingrain the best practices and a source document for training the new employees. It is a step towards transitioning an organization from people-centric to process-centric.
Process Improvement is the way to develop and grow the organizations. In today's complex, ever-changing market and consumer preferences, organizations need to be more agile in adopting to those changes before the competitor does. How fast an organization is able to understand the environment has become a competitive edge. Hence it is time to transform your organization to be process-centric.
process Design:
A process-centric organization is the one that is aware of its primary, secondary and management processes and manages those processes at the optimal level. Primary processes are those that are directly delivering value to the customer. Secondary processes are those that assists the primary processes to function more effectively. Management processes are the ones that monitors and controls the primary and secondary processes. Fhyzics assists your organization to identify the processes and map them. Once the current state of the processes are mapped, our team will work with the stakeholders of your organization in creating the future state map. Both the current state and future state maps will be analysed to identify the capability gaps. Finally our team will recommend solutions to fill the identified capability gaps and help you in implementing them.
SharePoint is an e-Form and workflow development solution from Microsoft Corporation. Fhyzics a Microsoft Partner specializes in SharePoint technology for process improvement in organizations. SharePoint is an amazing tool to automate transaction processes. Information collection, routing them to the appropriate people, analysing that information and making decisions are the heart of any transaction process – SharePoint does this very well. Fhyzics has implemented even complex processes in SharePoint within a month in several organizations.
Forms & Check list:
Check list is a set of questions that need to be verified and validated before commencing an operation or at the end of an operation. Check List is a simple and wonderful tool in auditing and controlling the processes. Check lists can be designed only for the macro and risky items or that can be well detailed to verify all the components of a process.